Built from Top to Bottom to
Develop intrinsic motivation in students
The Foundational Ideas
Kids and adults love playing music with friends, learning new songs, playing for other people, being creative with other people.
Yet, most people that want to learn the violin end up quitting.
The question that teachers and parents wrestle with is WHY?
The answer: Motivation.
Why Violin Students Quit
Students can be ‘intrinsically’ motivated or ‘extrinsically’ motivated.
Students with intrinsic motivation describe playing the violin as ‘fun’.
Students who are extrinsically motivated describe playing as something they ‘should do’ or something they ‘have to do.’
2 Types of Motivation
The People on Your Team
The environment that helps violin students build intrinsic motivation requires a team of 3 people working together:
The parent
The teacher
The community.
What Do Students Need
Students need to feel capable. Students need to feel connected. And, students need to feel that they have a choice.
When these 3 needs are met, a student is much more likely to enjoy playing music with others in all stages of their life.
Stages of Development
Students in the pre-Kindergarten age seek connection. 1st-5th grader want to feel capable. 6th-8th grade need to feel capable, connected AND that they have a choice! And then there are high schoolers!
Getting needs met at all stages is critical to continuing as a musician.
It All Comes Down to Activities
Music activities like jams, camps and school orchestras will grow a students intrinsic motivation.
These activities will influence whether a student will continue playing music.
Having stage-appropriate activities available throughout a student’s learning years is critical.